Latest News
2025 Information:
Cost per person for the 3 day tournament - $275
Cost per person for the scramble - $75
1/2 page advertisement in the booklet - $250
Full page advertisement in booklet - $400
Registration to begin on Jan 1, 2025 and close on April 15, 2025.
All checks payable to: IBEW Local 139 WGA, LLC
Mail checks to:
IBEW Local 139 Attn: Wiremen's Golf Association
PO Box 139
Erin, NY 14838
If there are any questions or concerns have contact:
Dave Blauvelt - 607-738-4486 or
Jeff Osborne - 607-542-2371 or
Host Local
IBEW Local 139, Elmira, NY
Scramble is July 29, 2025
Tournament is July 30 - August 1, 2025
Tournament Headquarters
Radisson Hotel Corning, NY
125 Denison Pkwy E
Corning, NY 14830
(Taking Reservations Now)
Tournament Contact
Local 139 - Elmira, NY
Dave Blauvelt - 607-738-4486 or
Jeff Osborne - 607-542-2371